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Delistraat 4-10
3072 ZK Rotterdam
(+31) 010 48 44 694
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Hair loss due to Alopecia is a common problem, which for many people is accompanied by a lot of uncertainty. A problem, which can easily be solved, with the right approach.
Alopecia Areata is a condition where a person can become quite unexpectedly and suddenly partially bald, or even fully bald. An inflammatory process around the hair, obstructs the hair roots in their function, so that only malformed, easily breaking and eventually no hairs grow. This, eventually results in local, bald spots, on the scalp. Ultimately, the condition could lead, in severe cases, to complete baldness.
The boy pictured in the the photos suffers from Alopecia. The boy pictured in the photos is such a person with Alopecia. After many years of treatment in different hospitals, with no result, the boy lost hope for a good outcome, but luckily we, from Tattoo Bob, have been able to help this boy with our special, unique, hair pigmentation technique!
With the help of our ultra fine hair technique, we’ve been able to ensure that the condition is no longer visible. We did’t only pigment his scalp, but also his eyebrows. The results are absolutely stunning! Many dermatologists have followed our treatments and have admiration for our way of helping people.
We, from Tattoo Bob, are extremely happy, proud and satisfied that we were able to help people like the boy in the picture. Our specially developed technique helps our clients with their uncertainties that comes with a condition like Alopecia.
We welcome you into our shop, Tattoo Bob in Rotterdam. Lets see what our specialist are able to do for you.
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